Join Us

People with all identities and backgrounds are welcome to join our group. As long as space and resources allow, we are always open to recruiting new members. Active openings will also be posted here.


I don’t have funding for postdocs at the moment, but there are funding opportunities through NSTC and some other sources. Get in touch if you are interested in doing a postdoc with us, and we can figure out a plan together.

PhD and Master's students

We are always looking for motivated graduate students to join the team. If you think what we do matches your interest, don’t hesitate to reach out. It would be helpful to attach your CV in the email and tell me your research ideas so we can have a basis for discussions.

Undergraduate students

We welcome committed undergraduate students to join the lab. If you want to have some research experience and are interested in what we do, feel free to email or stop by my office to have a chat.


N921 1st Teaching Bldg
Kaohsiung Medical University
100 Shih-Chuan 1st Rd
Kaohsiung City, 80707